The Initial Spec

As I started to implement some of the nodes in our Python DSL, I realized there were a few elementary operations like attribute access and assignment, exception raising, function calling and object creation that I kept needing to perform at the Python level. Since these operations are core to the language, they are highly interdependent, and we can’t just implement them sequentially. For example, to implement function calling, we need to be able to raise exceptions for invalid arguments; to raise exceptions we need to be able to create them; and to create them we need to be able to call their class.

To get around this circularity, we will first specify the interface that these operations will obey and then we can attack these in any order we like.

Attribute access

Attribute access will be provided through a single function:

(defun getattr (obj &rest attrs))

We allow multiple attributes to be given in case of nested attribute access. Thus o.attr in Python translates to (getattr o attr) and o.attr1.attr2 translates into (getattr o attr1 attr2).

getattr will define a generalized variable so that assignment and deletion work transparently (they way it does in Python).


Contrary to Lisp, Python variables default to the innermost lexical scope, unless they are declared nonlocal or global. Managing this difference will be the responsibility of our assign macro:

(defmacro assign (target value))

Since Python has it’s own generalized variables (limited to attribute and subscript access), assign will play a role similar to setf in Lisp. Note that for simplicity assign will not destructure target if it is a Python tuple or list, and will instead raise an error. If it becomes necessary, we can provide a py-destructuring-bind macro on top of assign.

New functions

In Python, we can create functions using either the def statement or the lambda expression. Since def creates function bindings in the local scope (contrary to Lisp’s defun), def can be thought of as a multi-expression lambda together with an assignment. It will be convenient for us to separate the function creation from the function assignment (for decorators, binding methods, and possibly more). Our primary means of creating Python functions will be using pylambda:

(defmacro pylambda ((&optional args starargs kwargs starkwargs)
                    &body body))

The slightly strange signature is designed to allow replicating Python’s signature unambiguously.

(pylambda ((x y (z 3))
           (kw1 (kw2 2))

is equivalent to

lambda x, y, z=3, *args, kw1, kw2=2, **kwargs: None

Unlike lambda in Python, however, pylambda is not restricted to a single Python expression. Thus def can be translated into a pylambda combined with an assignment, which we wrap as:

(defmacro pydef (name
                 (&optional (&rest args) starargs (&rest kwargs) starkwargs)
                 &body body))

Calling callables

Until we decide on the exact structure of Python objects in general, and functions in particular, it will be good to have an easily available hook we can use to wrap/unwrap objects, rearrange arguments, etc. To provide this hook to our program, we’ll use a function to call our Python callable objects:

(defun pycall (func &optional args starargs kwargs starkwargs))

pycall is equivalent to the pseudo-Python:

func(args[0], args[1], ... args[n],
     kw.keys[0]=kw.vals[0], kw.keys[1]=kw.vals[1], ... kw.keys[m]=kw.vals[m],

In other words, positional arguments are passed as a (Lisp) list in args and keyword arguments are in kwargs (as an alist), while starargs and starkwargs handle the * and ** arguments.


For the core language features, we’ll only need to be able to raise built-in exceptions. For now we’ll only define a function for doing so easily, leaving the more general raise statement for later.

(defun raise-builtin (class-name &key args kwargs))

raise-builtin accepts a class name, given as a (case-sensitive) keyword (e.g., :|TypeError|), a (Lisp) list of positional arguments, and an alist of keyword arguments. The arguments are passed to the class constructor to create the instance that will be raised.

In order to handle exceptions, we’ll draw a similar distinction between builtin and user exceptions. The following macro lets us handle builtin exceptions:

(defmacro py-builtin-try (try-body &rest except-finally-clauses))

except-finally-clauses must have the form (exception (&optional var) body), where exception is a keyword that could be given to raise-builtin, or t to indicate a finally clause. var is the symbol that will be bound to the exception instance in the execution of body. There can only be zero or one finally clauses, and if there is one, it must be the last clause in the macro call. Inside an exception handler body, (raise) may be used to re-raise the exception in the same context.

New Python classes

Creating new Python classes does not require any new code, since we can use the three argument form of type to create the class and assign to place it in the local namespace. It will be convenient, however, to provide a shortcut that takes Lisp objects for its arguments:

(defmacro pyclass (name (&rest bases) &optional dict))

pyclass creates a new Python class named name with base-classes given by bases (a Lisp list). If the optional argument dict (a hash-table or alist) is given, it will fill the class namespace. This function is roughly equivalent to name = type(name, bases, dict)

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