A Python DSL

Creating a DSL to express Python code in Lisp

As I stated in the first post, the first step in our workflow will be to translate Python code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), using Python itself, and then dump the tree into a Lisp form.

The Python docs aren’t great, but Green Tree Snakes has a great reference with a list of all the nodes in Python’s abstract grammar and a description of what they’re for.

Another way of obtaining a list of all the node types is as follows:

>>> import ast
>>> import inspect
>>> for name, c in inspect.getmembers(ast, inspect.isclass):
>>>     if issubclass(c, ast.AST):
>>>         print(name)
# <snip>

Dumping the AST to a Lisp string

There are a lot of nodes, so at this stage rather than manually decide how to represent every node, we’ll dump the AST tree into generic s-expression with minimal Python-side processing.

The first thing we’ll want to define is a target format. Since we want to do minimal Python processing, we’ll use simple cons trees: Nodes will follow the pattern (node-name sub-node-1 sub-node-2 ... sub-node-n) and their literal attributes will be represented by Lisp literal values.

For example, we’ll want to say

translate(ast.parse("def f(arg1):\n  pass"))

and have it return a string containing the following form:

 ((|py-FunctionDef| "f"
                    (|py-arguments| ((|py-arg| "arg1" |None|))

(of course, we won’t expect the translator to pretty print the form :)

We can use a simple recursive function to handle most cases:

def translate(node_or_literal):
    """Convert an AST node or Python literal into a Lisp form (recursively)."""
    if isinstance(node_or_literal, ast.AST):
        symbol = "|py-%s|" % node_or_literal.__class__.__name__
        if not node_or_literal._fields:  # this is a leaf node
            return "(%s)" % symbol
        args = " ".join(translate(sub_nl)
                        for _, sub_nl in ast.iter_fields(node_or_literal))
        return "(%s %s)" % (symbol, args)
    return translate_literal(node_or_literal)

We’re punting on literal translation for a minute to momentarily savor this quick success.

Translating AST literals into Lisp

So far we’ve handled half of the translation we’d described; now we are going to translate Python literals. Per the official docs, the Python abstract grammar has six builtin types which can end up becoming literals in the AST:

Grammar type AST attribute Lisp type
identifier str simple-vector
int int integer
string str simple-vector
bytes bytes simple-vector
object Used for ast.Num, where it’s used to store a number number
singleton Used for ast.NameConstant, holds True, False, or None t, nil, or |None|
* There’s an implied seventh type list, which is indicated in the grammar by the use of * list

Of all the attributes possible, only None is not built into Lisp as a literal; we can leave it as a symbol for now and define it as an object later on. We can represent bytes as literal vectors of fixnums using the #() notation.

It’s worth noting that these choices for literals don’t have to correspond to our run-time (or even compiled) representations for objects. We can make forms like |Bytes| or |Str| generate a better represenation in Lisp, and keep our Python code simple for now.

Unicode and Python strings

It may seem strange to not use Lisp strings to represent Python str objects. Although Lisp has a string type, unicode support across implementations is not great (and not guaranteed by the standard), so we need a simple, portable represenation for the translated source.

One such representation for identifier and string literals is to encode them as big-endian UTF-32 and then represent them like we represent bytes. Because the grammar doesn’t contain any places that accept more than one of string, identifier, or bytes, we’ll be able to convert the #() vector into its run-time represenation once we decide what that is and how to implement our DSL.

Representing floats properly

The Python data model explicitly states that numbers.Real leave you “at the mercy of the underlying machine architecture for the accepted range and handling of overflow.” The float class (which is a different class altogether), states that they “are usually implemented using double in C.”

Unfortunately, the Common Lisp spec does not specify standard float sizes (though it does state minimums), so we are not necessarily able to represent the same set of floats in Python and Lisp. The best we can do is output float literals using repr, which ensures that float(repr(x)) == x for all floats x other than inf, -inf, and NaN.

Another issue we’ll have to deal with later is representing the IEEE 754 special values inf, -inf, NaN, which Common Lisp does not require, and properly handling overflow calculations. Since Python doesn’t have inf and nan literals, we don’t have to worry about these problems (yet).

Our translation code for literals can therefore be specified as:

def translate_literal(literal):
    "Translate a Python literal into a Lisp literal."
    if isinstance(literal, str):
        return translate_literal(literal.encode("utf-32-be"))
    elif isinstance(literal, bytes):
        return "#(%s)" % " ".join(map(str, literal))
    elif literal is None:
        return "|None|"
    elif isinstance(literal, bool):
        return "t" if literal else "nil"
    elif isinstance(literal, list):
        return "(%s)" % " ".join(map(translate, literal))
    elif isinstance(literal, complex):
        return "#C(%r %r)" % (literal.real, literal.imag)
    else:  # Should be an integer or float
        return repr(literal)

Where to go from here?

Our implementation of the translation code has determined a first version of our DSL. From here, we’ll begin implementing macros and functions so our translated code can run! I expect there will be some node types we’ll go back and special-case in Python, where different forms may be easier to work with in Lisp. Of course, we’ll also have to design our (first version of the) data model to fully implement many of the nodes here.

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